Tuesday, September 8, 2009

sad news folks...

I am officially, no longer a Hooters girl.

I know, I know, try not to cry!!!


I still have all of my notes (yes, I took notes so I wouldn't forget) of all my memorable Hooters experiences. I will still be sharing them, along with my Hooters song (highly amusing), and the story behind why I quit working at Hooters.

So don't fret, I still have quite a few interesting stories up my sleeve.

<3 EX-hooters girl


  1. Oh I haven't gone anywhere! and I still have every intention of putting all of my stories (and I have QUITE a few for only working there a few months) on here. :D

    stay tuned!

  2. Oh my goodness. Well Im sure you have a good reason for it and I hope something you enjoyed just as much comes along. Too bad you dont work at the Hooters in Chicago, I would be attempting to take your spot right now. ^_^

  3. thank you :) i'm sure I will find something i love to do that will also be helpful for my real career i'll have when i graduate from college here in about a year and a half. i read your other comments though, and I know how curious you are about becoming a hooters girl and what it's like. if you have any questions, feel free to email me at plus, stay tuned on this blog because I will hopefully get it fully updated over my break from school here in a week.

  4. I just found your blog and was enjoying your stories :)! Will continue to read up though. Hope the reason to leave wasn't anything too terrible. I only imagine how much all the Hooters girls' put up with till they reach their breaking point. Have a good night!

  5. Really enjoyed your blog. Thank you for sharing. I thought I wanted to do it, but now I definetly don't.
